I AM...

I AM...

I have the words I AM… tattooed on my right arm.

Tattooed in thick- black- permanent- ink, so whenever I look down I get a reminder of who and what I am.

I can never forget that I am connected to the Almighty I AM.

That I was made in his likeness. He is coursing through my veins.

I AM whoever and whatever he created me to be.

I am the constant tug I feel that says BE and DO more.

I am the MORE.

I am NOT the one who settles. I am the one who strives and succeeds.

I am NOT the one who is afraid. I am the one who knows no bounds or limitations.

I am all that I think and believe is true. Whether I decide to believe the good or the bad. As the saying goes, I think therefore I AM. So, I choose to believe the good because I am made in the image of all that is good.  

Repeat these words after me:  I am made in his likeness.

Put your hand on your heart and say it again with some bass and power in your voice: I AM MADE IN HIS LIKENESS.

Did you feel your heart beating?

That is God.

That is God keeping you alive. That is purpose… feel it.

His breath is your breath.

As long as he puts breath into your lungs you have purpose. You have a mission to complete. You have dreams to fulfill.

I know when you think of your dreams it looks like they are out of reach. A road so far and hazy in the distance, but you will get there one day. The only way you are going to reach it, is to remind yourself each day that you were made in the likeness of the I AM.

You are a part of him and he is a part of you.  If you are made in the image and likeness of God there is nothing you cannot do.

Envision it in your mind and so it shall be.

Words are filled with magic; they can create or destroy. So, choose to create.

Repeat these affirmations daily and rebuild the woman God created word by word, belief by belief, I am by I am.

Believe them with your mighty spirit and you will become whatever you say after the I AM…

I am powerful

I am capable

I am enough

I am a part of the universe

I am here for a reason

I am the masterpiece

I am divine…


With love and badassery, 

The No Regrets Society

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