About Me

Hey Society Members!

My name is Heather B.

I am a mama, a wife and the founder of The No Regrets Society. My life's mission is to encourage women to step into their power/potential and fulfill their God given purpose.

Check out the No Regrets Society story below!

Our Story

The No Regrets Society is a space for women who have forgotten their dreams.

You have forgotten the person you were destined to become, because at some point along the journey someone doubted you and life got in the way. Work, relationships, family and miscellaneous responsibilities kept cutting in line in front of the woman you envisioned in your mind.

So, you tucked her away, buried her beneath an endless mound of laundry and other to-do’s, but that woman is still in you. She peaks her head up from time to time and whispers- remember me. She taps on your heart’s door and you can feel her throughout your body vibrating the possibilities of another life.

As each year passes, her whispers become louder and your tucking becomes slower. She is becoming harder and harder to ignore. She is right there under the surface of your skin waiting to emerge; bubbling over with ideas and visions. You can feel her volcano ready to erupt.

Let her arise before it’s too late.

One day you will be on your death bed recalling your life. My hope and prayer for you is that you are not only beaming with pride from all the memories you created but that you can say, I did what I came here to do. I left my mark on this world. I loved hard, I played hard, I became the woman I was supposed to. I lived a life of no regrets.

This society is a safe space from perfection. You can dream freely here. We are a sisterhood designed to uplift and empower you to finally step into the fullness of who God called you to be. You have been given this one beautiful life… don’t waste it on things and people that do not bring you joy. You get to decide who you want to be regardless of your past and/or current situation. Each day that you are blessed with the gift to open your eyes, you get to choose your own path.

All you have to do is change your mind and follow the whispers on your heart. 

You are the Creator of your life.

Welcome Queen, may we learn, love and grow from each other. 

May we bring forth magic and live this one beautiful life with NO REGRETS!


With Love and Badassery,

The No Regrets Society

If you heal yourself, you will heal the world

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” - Rumi

You were made in HIS likeness

I am powerful

I am capable 

I am enough

I am a part of the universe

I am here for a reason

I am the masterpiece 

I am divine…

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