Nothing is thicker than your peace

Nothing is thicker than your peace

In honor of Thanksgiving this week, I want to remind you that your peace of mind is the most important possession you have. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING should come before it.

Not your man, not your sister, not your brother, not your mama, not your daddy and definitely not your stinking ass kids - are more important than your peace.

As the infamously incorrect saying goes, “blood is thicker than water”.

I say your peace is thicker than your blood.

I say your mental health is thicker. I say your happiness, your joy, and your health is thicker.

If you aren’t careful, blood and water can make you drown.

Just because you share the same DNA as someone does not mean that you need put up with their verbal or physical abuse.

It does not mean that you need to put up with their jealousy, their under-handed petty comments, or the silent competitions that you never signed up for.

Each of these noxious encounters shave off years from your life.

The No Regrets Society focuses on female empowerment to encourage woman to live their lives to be all that God intend them to be.

In order to live your most beautiful life, you need to clean house.

You cannot achieve your dreams when you have people/baggage weighing you down.

You cannot cross the finish line with toxic family, friends or spouses holding onto you. You need to lighten your load or it will take you longer to reach your final destination.

Take a scan of your life, who is your dead weight? Be like Marie Kondo and ask yourself if each person in your life truly brings you joy. If they don’t bring joy, get rid of them…File 13 their ass.

You do not have to remain loyal to destructive patterns or people just because they are familiar.

If your kids are grown and they don’t bring you joy, get rid of them. If your so-called friends don’t bring you joy, get rid of them. If your husband hasn’t looked your way in a few months get rid of his ass too. Life is too short to be stressing over people who are not stressing over you.

You cannot focus on your calling if you are concerned about everyone else’s happiness.

At some point in your life, you need to break free of the expectations and demands of other people.

If everybody took time to focus on themselves and figure out their calling imagine how different the world would be. I’m sure jealousy would stop. I’m sure more love would abound because we are using our energy to nurture ourselves and our God given talents.

We would be so full of joy that we would pour into each other’s cups instead of trying to take, control and drain the cups of other people in order to fill up our own.

I know the holidays are hard, not everyone has the luxury of a stable, healthy family relationship. The holidays can be a reminder of childhood trauma and unresolved anger.

I know you feel obligated to attend family gatherings, but what if this year you made an obligation to yourself. What if this year you choose to follow your joy?

This year decide that nothing is thicker than your sanity and stop sharing your energy in spaces or with people that deplete you. This year decide to SAY NO to anything that does not bring you joy. This month is called NO-vember for a reason…learn how to say NO. No is a complete sentence. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone, just choose you and say no.

I know at first it will seem scary to go against the grain of familial traditions and duties, but it is time to choose YOU. It is time to find peace within yourself. It is time to create the life you truly want…Simply follow your joy, say yes only if your heart comes alive and build your new life, no by no.

You can do this!

With Love and Badassery,

The No Regrets Society


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