The story behind the story…

The story behind the story…

I created the No Regrets Society because I was trying to remind myself to live.

In 2019, my mother passed away. I remember thinking to myself this isn’t really happening. I always thought she’d live forever. She was such a mighty and regal force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t wrap my mind around seeing her outside of the sacred pedestal I placed her on. She was now weak and thin, no longer the strong powerhouse who was my best friend and favorite person in the world.

I remember wondering as she laid there on her dying bed, if she had any regrets? Did she live the life she always dreamed of? Was she proud of the legacy she was leaving behind? Was she proud of me?

As I watched her transition, I could feel her pass the baton to me. She used to always say “baby you are coming and I am going”. I never understood what those words meant until that day was finally here. She was going and I was being called to step into the woman God thought of when he placed me in her womb.

I couldn’t use her as my anchor anymore, I had to anchor myself to God. I had to trust that everything happening was for a purpose and not my punishment.

There are days when I still have to convince myself that everything is happening for my good. There are days that I yell and cuss at God (and he popped my tire… but I’ll save that story for another time). There are days when I don’t believe in myself. Each word I write is my reminder to live fully and unafraid. It's a reminder to step into all God has called me to be. I am trying to speak life into myself, to push myself to be greater, to be allergic to average. I am trying to wake myself up. I’ve been sleep walking through my life for far too long. I am running out of time. There is something that I came here to do. There is some reason I was born. I am not an accident. I am here with purpose and here on purpose.

We are all here on earth with and for a purpose.

Aren’t you tired of relinquishing your power? Aren’t you tried of playing small?

Imagine if all women woke up, remembered who they truly are and stepped into their full power/purpose. Imagine if we stopped believing our only goals in life were having babies and loving someone’s dusty ass son. We are more than mothers, sisters, wives or friends. Imagine if we realized how mighty and magnificent, we truly are. Our bodies are the portal to life. We were created for a reason, and that reason is not just to serve others. We are here to serve our greatest wants, needs, dreams and possibilities. We are here to serve a higher purpose and leave our mark on this world.

I am tired of women casting themselves aside. I’m tired of us losing ourselves in other people. I want us to find our true selves on the inside. I want us to see ourselves through God’s eyes.

Imagine if we all came together to fully support each other and accomplish our dreams. Imagine if there was a space free of competition and comparison. A space full of inclusion, hope and ideas where we lift each other up, become stronger through sisterhood and propel each other to become our highest selves. A space where we heal every woman we come in contact with.

If we fill ourselves up and expose all the magic that is inside, it eventually spills out and pours over everything we touch.  When women heal, children heal, relationships heal and the world heals. We are the life force that keeps the world turning. It ALL starts with us. Change starts with us. I want us to be cheerleaders for each other, stand on each other’s shoulders and build a ladder to the sky.

In honor of my mother Patricia, in honor of your mother, in honor of all the woman who came before you, in honor of yourself and all the children you may (or may not) bring forth… Live out loud, live in the fullness of all your beauty and might. Live so damn bright that we blind the sun.

With love and badassery, 

Heather B.

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