Fear Not

Fear Not

What is the point of being alive if you don’t try to do something remarkable? ~John Green

Fear is stagnating your life.

Year after year you are stuck in the same spot because you are afraid to take the leap and change your life. You are paralyzed and time is running out. The clock of your life is counting down and you must act...NOW.

You must finally move past the dreaming stage and stretch yourself in order to grow.

Your goal lies out there beyond your comfort zone.

The more afraid you are, the more fear follows you. The more you play scared, the more you make bad decisions and spin yourself in circles ending up exactly where you started.

I need you to crawl out of your hole and claw your way to the light.

I need you to stop settling for short term rewards.

I need you to leave the easy behind.

I need you to know that you are filled with magic.

Cast spells from your lips. You can do anything you speak of. Bring it forth and watch your magical life appear right before your eyes.

The power is in you.  

You have been looking at fear all wrong.  Instead of fearing the unknown…

Fear your lack of progress.

Fear staying the same.

Fear being average.

Fear living a life of regret.

Each day is a new chance to create a different life. What is holding you back from living?

You don’t need a fool proof plan. You don’t need approval of others…You just need to believe.

Use fear to your advantage by letting it propel you forward.

Go forth and walk for HE is always with you.

Do something remarkable, be someone remarkable.

Step outside of your normal routine and into the radiance of your new life.


With love and badassery, 

The No Regrets Society


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