5 steps to becoming the G.O.A.T.

5 steps to becoming the G.O.A.T.

When I was a child my favorite bedtime story was Three Billy Goats Gruff. I enjoyed snuggling up with my mom and reading the classic children’s tale.  

The story is about three goats trying to cross a bridge to get to the delicious grass on the other side, only to be stopped by the ugly troll who wants to eat them. The three goats tried to cross the bridge one by one. The first two goats, out smarted the troll by asking him to wait for the next goat who was bigger and fatter. The troll being greedy for a juicy goat dinner decided to wait each time for a bigger and better prize. By the time the third (and biggest) goat arrived on the bridge, the troll met his match. The third goat used his horns to knock the troll off the bridge into the water. The troll is defeated and the goats live happily ever after.

As a child I was told the moral of this story is to not be greedy. The troll passed up on the first two goats because he thought the next goat would be the juiciest prize of them all and ended up in the water with an empty belly.

As an adult, re-reading this story to my own children, I gather a completely different meaning.

I think this story is about perseverance and overcoming obstacles in life. What if the goats represent each try it takes to get to a goal you want?

Where you currently are in life and where you would like to be is a distance away, this is represented by the bridge in the story. You must set out on a journey and cross the bridge to take you to the other side of life. The troll represents any obstacles and hurdles, you will find along the path of your journey. Sometimes getting to your goals requires multiple attempts.

Your initial attempt is represented by the first goat. You get on the bridge to go to the other side of your life where your dreams and goals are, and out jumps a hurdle (the troll). You figure a way around the hurdle and now you are a little closer to your goal.

As the journey continues, you are now on your second attempt which is represented by the second goat. As you cross the next bridge, another hurdle jumps out in your path. You figure a way around this hurdle and you are farther along on your journey towards your goal. You can actually start to see the end result in the horizon – the green grass.

Now another hurdle crosses your path, but what this hurdle (the troll) doesn’t know is that you are stronger and wiser from the previous hurdles you had to overcome. You now know how to defeat obstacles. You believe in yourself more the further along you travel on your journey. You can see the goal in the distance. You can taste victory and you will not let anyone or anything stand in your way. The journey and the obstacles made you more resilient to withstand problems thrown your way.

So, when the third obstacle comes, you charge at it head first with all of your might. You knock it out the park and reach the destination you’ve been dreaming about all this time. You finally believed in yourself. You conquered your trolls.

As you continue on life’s journey, please remember this story. Remember these are the only steps you will ever need to defeat trolls/hurdles once and for all.

Step 1. Stay consistent…do something each day towards your goal

Step 2. Obstacles occur to see how badly you want something. T

Step 3. It might take you multiple attempts. Failure/mistakes are going to happen…they are lessons. PIVOT and keep going

Step 4. Never give up…dig deeper you are almost there

Step 5. Attack your goal head on with all your power, sink yourself into it and crush it

You will make it to the other side of your life. You will bask in the green delicious grass, if you stay consistent. Consistency is the key to get you to the other side of life. You got this… you are the GOAT (for real)!


With love and badassery, 

The No Regrets Society


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