Move in silence

Move in silence

The trees, the flowers and the plants grow in silence. The stars, the sun and the moon move in silence. Silence gives us a new perspective. Mother Teresa

When you have a vision for your life, you need to protect it. It’s your baby.

This vision was conceived inside your mind’s eye and your job is to nurture it into fruition.

You don’t need to discuss your moves with anyone.

As the prolific poet Little Wayne once said, "real G’s move in silence like lasagna".

Make your moves and grow silently. You have always known what to do. You have always known who you are. You don’t need reassurance from anyone.

Clap for yourself.

Are you proud of the work you are creating? Are you proud of the moves you are making? Are you proud of the person you are becoming?

In the silence you can hear your voice, your opinions, the hopes and wishes for your life.

In the silence you can hear the voice of God vibrating through your soul. In the silence you are given instruction for your next steps.

Each step in life is given to you only when you are ready to progress to the next level.

You can’t hear the steps and the guidance if you are filled with the incessant chatter of outside voices.

There is no need to make any announcements.

Queen, they will see your moves.

You block your blessings when you tell everybody your business.

Not everyone is your peace. Not everyone is your blessing.

People can only guide you from the level of their limited awareness and self-worth. They were not given the same vision as you. They cannot see the same possibilities in life as you. You have to show them through your end result. Let your success make all the noise.

Take a page from nature, creation is quiet.

Plant your roots in the Almighty and grow. Bring forth your fruit from the seed he planted in your mind.

Make your prayers loud and your moves silent.


With love and badassery, 

The No Regrets Society

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