Big Goals Energy

Big Goals Energy

Okay, you have finally decided that you want to nurture your dreams.

The excitement of all the possibilities ahead fills you up with energy, but when you sit down to actually list out the steps it takes to bring forth your dream into reality you become overwhelmed and lose momentum.

It seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all the things you want to. Your list is long and your time is minimal.

You look up at the mountain that is your future and wonder how the hell are you going to get to the top.  It looks impossible, daunting and exhausting.

So, how do you keep up that same energy you had in the beginning? How do you reach the mountain top without giving up?

Break your goal down into small manageable steps.

Spend 10 minutes to 1 hour consistently each day working on you. Block out a time in your day to solely focus on your goals. Work on your plan at the same time each day. It’s not about your feelings. You don’t have to feel like it.

You just have to show up and get the work done. Once you put your ass in the place it needs to be, the motivation will come.

Consistently chip away at the mountain. If you are consistently working on your goal every day you will make progress, and climb your mountain one rock at a time. The more your climb the more the path becomes clear. Trust that you will not fall. Trust that you will make it to the top.

I need you to truly understand that it’s not going to be easy.  It’s going to require determination and perseverance, but if you want it you have to keep going.

If you feel overwhelmed sift through your day and eliminate all the things that don’t bring you true joy. Becoming your highest self needs to be your only priority. Parent yourself and see how much time you are wasting on social media or watching TV. Setup screen time limits for social media, only watch TV if you are working out or if you have spent time working on your goal. Make a schedule and stick to it so you use up all available time to work on you. Say no to anything not aligned with your goals.

No one is coming to save you and tell you to get the work down.

You have to speak about it to yourself. Be your own hype man. Pound your chest, say your goal and high five yourself.

Be your own cheerleader.

Keep that big goals energy!

You don’t have time to waste. You have big goals to accomplish.

Let’s get that big G energy up! Let’s climb our mountains and celebrate our small victories along the way.

I’ll see you at the top girl.

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