Red Flag Season

Red Flag Season

The time of year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve is what I like to call “Red Flag Season”.

It is the last leg of the year and we are winding down to prepare for a whole new year of possibilities and optimism ahead of us.

It is the time of year that we should start examining the red flags in our lives.

Sift through your life and think of all the things you would like to improve on and even people you need to remove in order to clear your space for the new year ahead.

If you start preparing for the next year on December 1st, when January 1st rolls around you can hit the ground running.

Don’t wait until January 1st to start your resolutions or you will end up wasting a whole month trying to work out the kinks in your goals. Work through decisions like should you get up early or dedicate time at night to your goal? How much time should you commit daily to each goal?  

Plan the logistics of your goals before the end of the year, so you have a thirty-one day jump start.

You will enter the new year running full force into the new version of you.

Each night during the month of December spend an hour reflecting on and journaling where you would like your life to be. Examine your life and take a look at your red flags. In the same way you would discard old furniture or clothes, get rid of your bad habits and expired relationships.

Lighten your load and carry only the things you need with you into 2023. Do not hold onto things that no longer serve you. Let go of overthinking, people pleasing, self-doubt and procrastination.

When you let go, there is a rebirth that occurs; something beautiful will rise up and occupy the space you made room for.

Tend to your garden, clear out those weeds so the seeds of your mind can be fruitful.

Then follow your intuition and see in your mind’s eye the new version of you.

Finally, keep steadfast and unmovable on your goal. A little progress each day will get you closer and closer to your manifestation.  

Let’s get ready to conquer 2023 by starting to plan for the future you today.


With Love and Badassery,

The No Regrets Society

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